Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


(392 articles)
SDHF Newsletter No. 22: Breaking the Seal on the GHQ Burned Books

- Posted on 15/06/2015

SDHF Newsletter No. 22: Breaking the Seal on the GHQ Burned Books February 20, 2010 The GHQ, the command center of the American occupation forces in Japan, make a great deal about “freedom of speech” on the surface, but all reporta…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 21:Protest Against Japan-China Joint History Research Committee Report

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SDHF Newsletter No. 21:Protest Against Japan-China Joint History Research Committee Report February 11, 2010 On January 31, 2010, the Japan-China Joint History Research Committee issued a report describing the results of their work…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 20: “The Nanking Hoax: A Historian Analyzes the Events of 1937″

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SDHF Newsletter No. 20: "The Nanking Hoax: A Historian Analyzes the Events of 1937" November 17, 2009 Through his meticulous research on Nanking incident of nearly 30 years, Ara Kenich saw a parade of characters marching through his…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 19: “The Tokyo Trials: Unheard Defense”

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SDHF Newsletter No. 19: “The Tokyo Trials: Unheard Defense” October 9, 2009 This book was written and edited by Dr. Kobori Keiichiro, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University. He edited and published “Defense Evidence Rejected by t…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 18: “Dissentient Judgment of Justice Pal”

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SDHF Newsletter No. 18: “Dissentient Judgment of Justice Pal” September 14, 2009 Radhabinod Pal of India was one of the eleven judges at the “Tokyo Trials”. Of the eleven, he was the only judge who had professional knowledge in …
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SDHF Newsletter No. 17: Resend: Front-line of Research on the “Nanking Incident” of 1937

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SDHF Newsletter No. 17: Resend: Front-line of Research on the “Nanking Incident” of 1937 August 20, 2009 The "full text" I sent earlier did not include "Notes." Now the full text with "Notes" are available. (The Japan “Nanking” So…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 16: The Tokyo Trials and the Truth of “Pal’s Judgment”

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SDHF Newsletter No. 16: The Tokyo Trials and the Truth of “Pal's Judgment” July 23, 2009 Of the eleven judges at the Tokyo Trials, only Radhabinod Pal had specialized in international law. Basing his position strictly on the law…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 15: Korean interference in Japanese domestic affairs is untenable

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SDHF Newsletter No. 15: Korean interference in Japanese domestic affairs is untenable This follows the subject of Newsletter No. 14. So far, President Lee of Korea has yet to answer the questions posed by the Japanese Society for Hist…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 14: Questions to the President of Korea from a Japanese Citizen’s Group

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SDHF Newsletter No. 14: Questions to the President of Korea from a Japanese Citizen’s Group In response to the Korean “Spokesman’s Statement” which protests the Japanese government authorization of a middle school history textbook, th…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 13: Why P.R.C. President Cannot Respond to Open Questions

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SDHF Newsletter No. 13: Why P.R.C. President Cannot Respond to Open Questions Following the film “John Rabe,” another Nanking related film titled “Nanking! Nanking!” (by Lu Chuan) has been released. It is strange that these films …
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