Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


SDHF Newsletter No.33:Takeshima(Dokdo) Island is undeniably Japanese territory

SDHF Newsletter No.33:Takeshima(Dokdo) Island is undeniably Japanese territory

April 28, 2011

Newly authorized Japanese middle school history textbooks to be used
beginning next April refer to Takeshima as Japanese territory.

Upon learning this, South Koreans angrily protest againsted Japan.
Even South Korean President Lee Myong-bak stated at a press conference
on April 1 that“Even if there were an upheaval of heaven and earth,
that won’t change the fact that Dokdo is our island.”

We can easily refute his insistence by just showing three points;
1) historical materials; 2) the fact that the Japanese government proposed
to submit the dispute to International Court of Justice for arbitration
on September 25, 1954, but Korea declined to participate; 3) the fact that
Korean demands to incorporate the island into Korean territory was plainly
refused by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Dean Rusk on August 10, 1951.

The paper uploaded in our website will convince you of our arguments.

“Takeshima(Dokdo) Island is undeniably Japanese territory”

Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact