Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


(392 articles)
SDHF Newsletter No.32: “The Reluctant Combatant: Japan and the Second Sino-Japanese War”

- Posted on 15/06/2015

SDHF Newsletter No.32: "The Reluctant Combatant: Japan and the Second Sino-Japanese War" February 9, 2011 The mainstream view on the Second Sino-Japanese War is that Imperial Japan was bent on destroying China, and the rest of As…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 31:The Senkaku Islands – Incontrovertible Evidence

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SDHF Newsletter No. 31:The Senkaku Islands - Incontrovertible Evidence Octover 13, 2010 In Newsletter No. 30, we introduced Mr.Takahana paper which clearly showed incontroverstble evidence that the sovereignty over the Senkaku …
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SDHF Newsletter No. 30:The Senkaku Islands Controversy

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SDHF Newsletter No. 30:The Senkaku Islands Controversy September 15, 2010 On September 7, a Chinese fishing boat was found violating Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands. Japan Coast Guard patrol boats announced…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 29:Can Russia celebrate a dark and gloomy Soviet war against Japan?

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SDHF Newsletter No. 29:Can Russia celebrate a dark and gloomy Soviet war against Japan? September 1, 2010 The lower house of Russia’s parliament, the State Duma, passed a bill on 7 July to name 2 September — the date Japan signed…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 28:Japan’s Annexation of Korea:It was the Japanese People Who Were Forcibly Deprived

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SDHF Newsletter No. 28:Japan's Annexation of Korea:It was the Japanese People Who Were Forcibly Deprived August 28, 2010 Following Mr. Ko Bunyu’s essay on the annexation of Korea, we will present Mr. Matsuki’s essay which dispels…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 27:Protest against Unjust Interference by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

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SDHF Newsletter No. 27:Protest against Unjust Interference by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child July 30, 2010 Prof. Fujioka Nobukatsu, chairman of the Society for History Textbook Reform, has submitted an appeal to the …
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SDHF Newsletter No. 26: Truth about the Annexation of Korea

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SDHF Newsletter No. 26: Truth about the Annexation of Korea July 23, 2010 The Japanese annexation of Korea was conducted just one hundred years ago with reasons fully in-line with the circumstances at that time. This is clearl…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 25: “A History of Massacres in China” (SEKI Hei)

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SDHF Newsletter No. 25: "A History of Massacres in China" (SEKI Hei) June 11, 2010 Mr. Seki’s this book documents the use of mass slaughter by the Chinese as a normal method of political and social control. In the past, dynasties hav…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 24: The Second Sino-Japanese War: How and with what purpose did Japan fight

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SDHF Newsletter No. 24: The Second Sino-Japanese War: How and with what purpose did Japan fight May 7, 2010 Moteki Hiromichi’s “China Caused the Second Sino–Japanese War” explained how the Second Sino–Japanese War was a conflict c…
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SDHF Newsletter No. 23: The Second Sino-Japanese War Was Caused by China

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SDHF Newsletter No. 23: The Second Sino-Japanese War Was Caused by China March 5, 2010 It is generally believed that Japan was an aggressor nation against China for the Second Sino?Japanese War. This is a view not founded on the h…
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