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War responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party, the USSR and communism

By EZAKI Michio,


War responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party, the USSR and communism:
How the US became entangled in the Comintern’s master plan to communize Asia
Ezaki Michio
With the opening of Russian archives in 1991, Soviet intelligence and Comintern documents clearly established the presence of Soviet agents within the US government, especially within the Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Release of intercepted and decrypted messages transmitted from American spies to the USSR, the “Venona files,” in 1995 has confirmed the widespread infiltration of Soviet agents especially within the circle responsible for making foreign policy.
Soviet influence in part explains the dramatic US shift from a noninterventionist nation to one that actively promotes the interests of the Soviet Union. For example, at the Yalta Conference, Roosevelt allowed Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe to fall into the Soviet sphere of influence and further promised Manchuria, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands to the Soviets for their entry into the war against Japan. Indeed, throughout his tenure as President, Roosevelt went out of his way to give the Soviets everything they wanted, such as billions of dollars in weaponry and war supplies. While liberals after the war chastised those who spoke out and exposed the extent of communist influence in the US Government, with the release of Russian documents, the Venona files and previously classified documents of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, they now fall silent.
Infiltration of the US government by Soviet agents and communist supporters also influenced US policy towards Japan, well before the outbreak of war between the two countries. The Soviets viewed Japan as both a historical antagonist and a useful tool in fulfilling their objective of global communist revolution. By provoking war between Japan and the US, the largest capitalist nation, communist were to take advantage of the post-war chaos and seize power. However, with the rise of Japanese military power in Manchuria and fear of a possible Japan-Soviet war, the Comintern changed strategy. Through the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), the Comintern launched a campaign to raise support for Chinese resistance to Japan and at the same time encourage the US to use its power to suppress Japan. Similarly, with the rise of Nazi Germany, the Comintern used front groups to enlist the support of European capitalists against European fascism. Though front groups on the surface may not have espoused communist ideology in order to broaden their appeal to non-communists, they nonetheless took directions directly from Moscow. Vigorous lobbing by American fronts, which included numerous members of the American political elite, lead to Roosevelt’s support of the Nationalists and condemnation of Japan.
The Nationalist Party of Chiang Kai-shek was also heavily engaged in enlisting worldwide support as well as condemnation of Japan. An international propaganda unit was formed with the objective of spreading anti-Japanese propaganda beyond China’s borders. Though ostensibly run by the Nationalists, communist agents operated within this unit. Of the many products created to bolster anti-Japanese hostility in the West was the Nanjing “massacre”. Even today, mention of the “massacre” provokes intense anti-Japanese hostility.
By utilizing documentation in Russia, America and Japan, it is hoped that the true nature of this and other war propaganda will be exposed and their effects finally neutralized. It is also hoped that the true extent of Roosevelt’s responsibility in starting a war with Japan will be revealed.