Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


SDHF Newsletter No.172 New History Textbook for Middle School (5)

New History Textbook for Middle School Students
Series No. 5, Chapter 3: Premodern Japan
- The Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo Period –
Sections 1, 2
July 27, 2017

Series No. 5 contains Chapter 3, Sections 1&2.

Chapter 3, Section 1: From warring states to national unification
Topic31 – The warring states daimyo
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the new style of government instituted by the warring states daimyo?
Topic 32 – Europe’s global expansion
What led the peoples of Europe to begin to explore the world?
Topic 33 – The arrival of the Europeans
What impact did the European imports of firearms and Christianity have on Japanese society?
Topic 34 –Nobunaga and Hideyoshi’s unification of Japan
How did Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi unify Japan?
Topic 35 –Hideyoshi’s government and the Japanese invasions of Korea
What were the distinguishing characteristics of Hideyoshi’s government?
* JAPAN AS SEEN THROUGH FOREIGN EYES: How Missionaries Saw the Japanese People
* Why Hideyoshi Expelled the Missionaries
Topic 36 – Momoyama culture
What were the distinguishing characteristics of the Momoyama culture?
Chapter 3, Section 2: The politics of the Edo shogunate
Topic 37 – The establishment of the Edo shogunate
Through what means did the Edo shogunate control the daimyo?
Topic 38 – From licensed trading to national isolation
Why did the shogunate reverse its pro-trade policy and ban the Christian religion?
Topic 39 – Japan’s four windows to the outside world
Even under the policy of “national isolation”, commerce between Japan and other nations was vigorous, albeit tightly controlled by the shogunate. Through what networks did this commerce take place?
Topic 40 – Peace and stability in Edo society
What was the true nature of the class system in Edo Japan?


Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact