Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

This Article

What Really Happened in Nanking

By Tanaka Masaaki,


Summary: What Really Happened in Nanking
The author investigates what really happened in Nanking in 1937, based on primary
sources (recorded around time the incident occurred in Japanese, Chinese and English
languages) from the following 15 angles:
1 The population of Nanking in 1937
2 Nanking’s population swells as residents return
3 The “mountains of dead bodies” that no one saw
4 The International Committee’s statistics on crimes attributed to Japanese military
5 Japanese quickly restoring order in the safety zone
6 The fabricated reports of mass murders of prisoners of war
7 The manufactured Chongshangtan burial records
8 Professor Smythe’s report on war damage in the Nanking area
9 Gen. He Yingqin’s military report
10 No mention of the “Nanking Massacre” in Chinese communist party records
11 No protest against the “Nanking Massacre” submitted to the League of Nations
12 No protest against the “Nanking Massacre” from the United States, Great Brain,
or France
13 No mention of the “Nanking Massacre” in the American or British press
14 No gag order imposed by the Japanese in connection with the Nanking incident
15 A massacre without witnesses
The analysis leads to the conclusion that there never was a massacre of 300,000 as
claimed by the Chinese government. Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone, recoded by
the International Committee, shows that the total number of reported murder cases is 27,
of which 26 were without eyewitnesses and one case was eye-witnessed but of a lawful
In an additional chapter, photographs from Iris Chang’s The Rape of Nanking are
examined and verified as fakes. Contemporaneous photographs published in the Asahi
Shinbun newspaper are introduced as the actual reflection of events at that time.