Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


SDHF Newsletter No.167 New History Textbook for Middle School (2)

New History Textbook for Middle School Students
Series No.2, Chapter 1: Japan from Prehistory to Ancient Times
- The Paleolithic, Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun, Asuka, Nara, and Heian periods -
Section 1: Topic 1, 2
May 22, 2017

Series 2 contains the following:
Chapter 1, Section 1: The dawn of civilization
Topic 1- Where did the people of Japan come from?
The birth of mankind in Africa The people who settled the Japanese Isles
The discovery of the Japanese Paleolithic period
Topic 2 – The Jomon culture and the blessings of nature
The bountiful blessings of nature The era of Jomon pottery
Life in the Jomon period
Topic 3 – The rise of civilizations
The start of agriculture and use of metal tools
The rise of civilizations and birth of nations
The ancient civilizations of the Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys
Topic 4 – The origin of religions
Reverence of nature and ancestor worship
The advent of monotheism The three great world religions
Topic 5 – The spread of rice cultivation and the Yayoi culture
The spread of wet rice cultivation The Yayoi culture From villages to nations
Section 2: The making of an ancient nation
Topic 6 – Ancient Japan as seen in Chinese history books
A divided Japan at the turn of the century Yamatai and Himiko
The Sino-Barbarian World Order and Japan
Topic 7 – The Yamato State and the spread of the kofun
National unification under the Yamato State
Front-squared, rear-rounded kofun and the Yamato State
Topic 8 – Japan’s national origin myths
The myths and legends of the Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki
Izanagi, Izanami, and the birth of Amaterasu Okuninushi and the Izumo Mythology Ninigi’s descent to Earth and Emperor Jimmu
Topic 9 – The nations of East Asia and the Yamato State
Fighting Koguryo to save Paekche Tribute from the Five Kings of Japan
The rise of Silla and the fall of Mimana
Topic 10 – The introduction of Buddhism
The background of Buddhism’s introduction
The Soga-Mononobe Conflict The role of the kikajin

Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact