Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


SDHF Newsletter No.55 Guantanamo & Comfort Women

Guantanamo & Comfort Women

February 1, 2013

Mr. Taniyama, TV producer, journalist, writer & film maker, who was selected as a
finalist for 2009 in the “Democracy Video Challenge” contest, hosted by U.S. State Department, speaks out on the “Comfort Women” issue again on YouTube.

This time he stresses two important pieces of evidence: Ms. Kim Hak-sun, the first so-called comfort woman who came onto the scene and Ms. Mun Ok-ju, the second to come onto the scene. Ms. Kim confessed at a press conference in Seoul on August 14, 1991 that when she was 14 she was sold to a Korean sex parlor by her mother for 40 Yen. Ms. Mun came to Japan in March 1992 to demand that the Japanese government give her the contents of her bank account which had not been closed. The bank account record was found and the balance of her account was 26,000 Yen. She said she worked at a brothel attached to the Japanese military from 1942 to 1944. Thus, she earned over a period of two years more than 26,000 Yen, with which, at that time, she could have bought 5 houses back in Korea.

Both of them mentioned the one word “coercion”. They were just prostitute, as an official U. S. document (United States Office of War Information, Psychological Warfare Team Attached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma Theater APO 689) records in the preface: “A ‘comfort girl’ is nothing more than a prostitute or ‘professional camp follower’ attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers.”

Here is Mr. Taniyama’s speech:

We have previously discussed the “Comfort Women” issue in depth at our Web site;
*The Truth about The Comfort Women:
*No Forced or Organized Recruitment: Misconceptions about Comfort Women and the
Japanese Military:
*Behind the Comfort Women Controversy: How the Lies Became Truth

I wonder why the Western media have yet to report such historical facts and when they will finally begin to disclose the truth.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact