Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


SDHF Newsletter No.397 Japan Awakened Asia

Japan Awakened Asia―A Miracle of the 20th Century
The Road to the Independence of India
―A Story to Be Passed Down to the Next Generation
Probir Bikash Sarker

Mr. Probir Sarker mentions his intention for writing this book:

The relationship between Japan and Bengal has been developed through a great drama in an age of turbulence and drastic changes in the history of Asia by prominent players like Vivekananda, Tagore, and Okakura Tenshin; Rash Behari Bose, Toyama Mitsuru; Subhas Chandra Bose and Tojo Hideki during the Greater East Asian Conference; Justice Pal and Shimonaka Yasaburo during the Tokyo Trials (the International Military Tribunal for the Far East).

I want to share this historical narrative with the people of Japan from the point of view of the

The book includes the following chapters:

Chapter 1: The beginning of exchanges between Japan and Bengal
Chapter 2: Tagore and Okakura Tenshin
Chapter 3: Rash Bihari Bose and Japan
Chapter 4: Inherited intent on “independence”
Chapter 5: Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army
Chapter 6: Historical significance of the “Dissentient Judgment of Justice Pal”
Chapter 7: A short history of Bangladesh
Chapter 8: Special Discussion between Dr. Pema Gyalpo and Mr. Sarker

The Road to the Independence of Asia is “A Miracle of the 20th Century,” and this implies that it is also a “A Miracle of the Modern Japan.”


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact