Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Auther Profile

Ara Kenichi

Ara Kenichi
Born in 1944 in the city of Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, Mr. Ara graduated from Tohoku University’s Faculty of Literature. After having worked in the private sector, he began around 1980 to study modern history. Mr. Ara has contributed many essays and articles to magazines of opinion like Seiron (Authentic Opinion) published by Sankei Shimbun and Shokun! (You, Readers!) by Bungeishunju.
His major books are Interviews with Witnesses to the Nanking Incident, Tosho Shuppansha, and Jakarta Before Dawn, Keiso Shobo, It was German Who Prepared a Stage for the Second Sino-Japanese War by Tokuma Shobo, etc.