Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


SDHF Newsletter No.132 UN Sex Slave Report 6

“Sex-Slave” Report: The UN’s Global Hoax (Jiyu-sha)
― Report from Japanese Delegations to the UN in Geneva ―
written and edited by Fujioka Nobukatsu,
Visiting Professor, Takushoku University
No.6: Chapter 2 The Fiction Equating Comfort Women with Sex Slaves Spreads throughout the World
C.Perspective on lawsuit for the removal of comfort-woman statue
in Glendale, CA
By Mera Koichi
July 29, 2016/

GAHT-US (The Global Alliance for Historical Truth) (Chairman: Mera Koichi) filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court demanding removal of comfort woman statute installed in Central Park in Glendale City. The reason was as follows.

It is clear that this statue is a product of a fabricated view of history. Once this kind of statue with its attendant false message is installed, similar statues will be installed in other cities across America as well, spreading the false perception that the Japanese people are an extremely savage-natured race. Such a fallacy will quickly spread throughout the world and will remain in the minds of people for centuries to come. Then our future generations will be doomed to bear the shame that they are the offspring of a brutal and savage race. This kind of future should never occur. Our generation will be the one responsible for stopping groundless dishonor from being inflicted on future generations.

Soon after its filing in the District Court, Forbes magazine published a slanderous article concerning the lawsuit. Faced with this criticism, Mayor Brown, a well known law firm entreated GAHT to drop the firm from the case. This was only many obstacles they faced in the course of lawsuits. They are still continuing lawsuits to win with their utmost.


Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact