Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact


SDHF Newsletter No.222 Report to Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination 7

NGO Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
NGO Report in relation to the tenth to eleventh periodic reports of Japan
Series No. 7: 6. The Case against Japan: Casualties of Japan’s Foreign Policy Disaster

Submitted by the Japan NGO Coalition against Racial Discrimination

August 17, 2018

The sixth report of the Japan NGO Coalition is “6. Case against Japan: Casualties of Japan’s Foreign Policy Disaster.”
This report was prepared by a grassroots Japanese-Canadian group, “Toronto Seiron”, as a part of the Japan NGO Coalition, which urges that the Committee recommend that the Japanese Government take necessary actions to protect Japanese-Canadians and Japanese residents in Canada from a vicious propaganda attacks, specifically a disinformation campaign related to the “Nanjing Massacre”.
The Government of Japan has consistently refused to recognize the fact that this propaganda campaign is by definition political. Rather than responding in kind, the Government has deferred the matter to historians, whose task is primarily scholarly – research, study, analysis and publication of their findings – not dissemination of their findings to the lay public or communication with foreign agencies.
The Government of Japan has consistently failed in its duty to protect its own nationals living in Canada, who are exposed to a campaign of vicious and relentless false history. Disinformation has deeply penetrated every level of Canadian society–government institutions, media, schools and so on.
The report asks the Committee to make recommendations to the Japanese Government to take necessary actions to protect Japanese-Canadians and Japanese nationals living in Canada from vicious propaganda campaigns like those related to the “Nanjing Massacre”.

6. Case against Japan: Casualties of Japan’s Foreign Policy Disaster


Questions are welcome.

MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman
for KASE Hideaki, Chairman
Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact