Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

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The Truth of the “Comfort Women” Intelligence Warfare

By Nishimura Kohyu,


The Truth of the “Comfort Women” Intelligence Warfare:
Information laundering by anti-Japanese fascists
by Nishimura Kohyu
To fight against distorted history not only must one present the truth but also understand why such distortions are propagated in the first place. Author Nishimura Kohyu suggests that anti-Japanese agitators are not merely trying to bend historical facts, for example, those surrounding the issue of the “comfort women,” to fit their ideological inclination, but ultimately to psychologically “weaken and degrade” the Japanese people and to keep Japan from becoming “truly independent and self-reliant”. At the center of this anti-Japan “psychological warfare” operation are China and Korea and their anti-Japanese fellow travelers, which doggedly repeat the same malicious claims against Japan.