Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

This Article

Anti-Japanese networks devised by the United States, China and the Soviet Union that put Japan into a quagmire

By EZAKI Michio,


Abstract: Anti-Japanese networks devised by the United States, China and
the Soviet Union that put Japan into a quagmire
Anti-Japanese networks, American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese
Aggression, the Church Committee for China Relief, Institute for of Pacific Relations,
etc. organized in the latter half of 1930s played a decisive role in involving Japan into
the war with China and finally with U. S. Christian organizations, especially YMCA
were the main force of these organizations superficially, but actually communist
activists heavily penetrated into these organizations under the command of Comintern
and Chinese government propaganda agents also infiltrated into these activities overtly
and covertly.