Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Auther Profile

KOJIMA Shigeru

Author Profile
Shigeru KOJIMA
Professor of the Graduate School of Management and Information of Innovation at University of Shizuoka, Japan. He completed his graduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley where he met Shinomoto. He is presently pursuing international issues and making works of art. His recent articles with portraits include “Japanese Americans’ View of Japan and Ethnic Identity (co-authored, 2012.11), “A typical Japanese Historical Event: On the Death and Identity of Yukio Mishima” (in Japanese, 2013.5) “Geopolitics of the Asia Pacific Region and Japan: Innovation of War and Peace.” (co-authored, in Japanese, 2012.9).
Ronald Shinomoto One of the authors, is a sansei Japanese American living in California. He obtained a PhD in Chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley under the guidance of Dr. G.Seaborg, a Nobel laureate. He is presently employed as a technical and scientific writer.